Thus Far

Thursday, May 13, 2004

I've forgotten how much I truly enjoy these near all-nighters. Dawn's breaking; the crescent moon has a slight yellowish tinge to it, set against the slate/marine blue sky. The birds are chirping.

This day's been a fairly productive one. Not so much in the academic sense, but very much in the God-sense. Amazing how He works when one is completely unaware of it. I got a lot of packing done for Europe... all that is left is to remember to print out my flight info and remember to wear the clothes I have laid out. Possessions for 14 weeks all crammed into a moderate-sized gym bag and small suitcase.

Last night was so incredible. It was such a God night. The night sky was fantastic; the stars were so clear and so bright and all of creation just seemed to cry "glory!"

Two long talks tonight/this morning. Both very different, but very good in their own right. The well spring of love, forgiveness, and friendship does not dry up easily.


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