Thus Far

Friday, September 09, 2005

it's great to be back.

tonight at IVCF was a testament to what the Lord has done for us, individually and on this campus, and its great to see it come full circle. To see the pain, the tears shed and the strife experienced in my first semester turn to joy and celebration in my fifth semester. If it weren't for Lauren and Julia, I would scarcely believe that the weekend at Toah Nipi even happened. Warm, rich community replaced what was strangers coming together in Christ. The need for 5 College Christian Fellowship at MHC-- MF being the first "stab" at creating it-- has become the desire, and more importantly, the possibility of hosting Western Mass. I am excited to see what the Lord will do here this year, this semester.

But resting on the laurels I am not (nor are they mine, nor IVCFs, but the Lord's); indeed perhaps i shot off my mouth some, but...

What would happen if we did do a sort of "confession booth" (I am alluding to Blue Like Jazz, for those who do not recognize the reference)--confessing to the non-Christian community the good, the bad and the ugly of our walks, Christianity; being as open and frank about our faith and what God has done in our lives as the gay/lesbian/trans community here? What happens if we did traverse this campus openly praising God? What happens if we did chalk questions about faith (ie what is grace?, etc) on the walkways?

what would happen? i scarcely dare to dream...


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