Thus Far

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Heh. Everything comes full circle, it seems. I heard this song once in Germany one night when I was driving to visit Nadine in the hospital, but I didn't know who it was by, and in all honesty, was shocked that the German radio equivlent of KISS would play such a song mixed in with Eminem and everyone else that you could expect to find on such a radio station. I stumbled across this song tonight-- lately i've wondered why i am even a german major and am re-evaluateing my decision to move to germany. But this song, this group, encourages me to go back, to seek out what the Lord has for me there.

Dein Leben--Soehne Mannheims (with my rough translation into english)
Wenn die Zeit es zeigt wird man sehen (When the time it shows will one see)
ob wir die richtigen Wege gehen (if we go the right way)
Die Überlebenszeit ist jetzt denn die Messer sind gewetzt (The survival time is now because the knife is sharpend)
Der Schwätzer hat geschwätzt die Kampagne hat gehetzt (The gosspier is weak, the compagne is agitated)
die Regeln sind verletzt überlebenszeit ist jetzt (the rules are lost survival is now)

Kümmer Dich um dein Leben (Care about your life)
Und dann kümmer Dich um uns! (and then you'll care about us)
Die Schäden können wir beheben (The sin can we remove)
Das ist nicht die Kunst (That is not the art)
Wir müssen was bewegen (We must remove what)
Sonst bewegt sich nix (But remove yourself not)
Es geht nicht nur um Dein Leben (Its only about your life)
Sondern ob es ein Leben ist (But if it is a life)

Mache es Dir nicht so schwer zu viele Blicke sind schon leer (To you its not so difficult, to many looks are alredy empty)
Wir stellen die Ordnung wieder her die keine Ordnung ist (We create the order further where there is no order)
Gib die Sorgen wieder her wenn das in Ordnung ist (Care further if that is in order)
Dann lebt jeder wieder mehr und alles ordnet sich (Then everyone continues to live and everything orders itself)
Hoffnung ist grösser als das Meer (Hope is as big as the ocean)

Kümmer Dich um dein Leben
Und dann kümmer Dich um uns!
Die Schäden können wir beheben
Das ist nicht die Kunst Wir müssen was bewegen
Sonst bewegt sich nix
Es geht nicht nur um Dein Leben
Sondern ob es ein Leben ist

Can you see the light do you know the light
When it shines are you one that was blessed with life
Do you feel the time or is it in your mind
Because my father came to give sight and to heal the blind
Come on my people now i know you're feeling well
It's the awakening the chosen will be spiritual
God bless the child in every one of us
It's the coming of christ and in God we trust
Out in the darkness where the demons dwell
In this darkness the devel casted an evil spell
Yea he telling lies watch who you listen to watch what you say because you never know whos hearing you
Can you see the light do you know the light
Will you recognize him when you stand in front of Christ
When he holds your hand will you go with him
Chosen are the few who stand strong with out trembling

Kümmer Dich um dein Leben
Und dann kümmer Dich um uns!
Die Schäden können wir beheben
Das ist nicht die Kunst Wir müssen was bewegen
Sonst bewegt sich nix
Es geht nicht nur um Dein Leben
Sondern ob es ein Leben ist

On another note, my German advisor and I got into a conversation about IVCF; apparently several years back her niece came to MHC to learn english and she expected the niece to have a hard time adjusting and fitting in, and the niece was worried that there wouldn't be a Christian group on campus, but when she came onto campus, she discovered shortly IVCF and had a wonderful time at MHC and in the States, which my advisor attributes to Christian fellowship. :)


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