Thus Far

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I dont know what im doing up at this hour. I signed off of AIM at least an hour ago, and fully intended to go to bed then. But here I am, browsing though the online journals of friends, listing to "You are Good" on repeat. I dont think Im going to make it though the night, much less this semester.

There is a definate lack of private space on this campus, and living in a triple (as wonderful as my roomies are) is no exception. The depression/despair that I have been running from all semester has once again caught up with me. Reading the other journals makes me pine even harder for the missing person and the days when I use to talk (praise) God ceaselessly. But this is not my lot. Why do I not email Robert? I did earlier in the semester, when I first started to get like this. . .

So here I stand in the shadows for all to see; a fragment of the person I was, fallen and far from what I was and where I should be. Im sick and tired of this existance, but it cant seem to be fliped. Instead of delighting in sand castles, I wander aimlessly around stone castles.


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