Thus Far

Friday, July 07, 2006

I ABSOLUTELY love my "job". Evenings like tonight make it all worthwhile. A puppet team came in from Cederville University (Ohio) and did a puppet show the past two days and I got to hang out with them quite a bit. Its a fairly small team (3 guys, 3 girls) but they were super nice and it was great spending time with college students again. I'm driving a *tank* of a van right now-- its one of those mini-PVTA buses (10 seater, but wheelchair accessable) and when filled with middle schoolers it makes for an interesting trip. Anyways, I learned to get help in transporting the kids-- me to drive and 1-3 others to entertain the kids in the back and make sure they're sitting down, wearing seatbelts and such. One really cool thing is that some kids who have never EVER been to the Lion's Den decided to come with the others to this VBS that Greg's church is putting on (the puppet team is doing the children's portion). When you are firm and pay attention to the kids and interact with them, there's nearly a 180deg turn-around in their behavior and they're really great kids with lots of potential.

Anyways, after the program tonight one of the kids who's never been in contact with us accepted Christ... it was really really cool to witness him put his faith in God and pray and talk about the Bible with (I wasnt accually walking him through it-- my friend Matt was)... I'll get to disciple him in the coming weeks/months/years [that's right-- years. I'm strongly considering staying in Springfield for longer than 6 months]. The other kids when we dropped them off at the projects really didn't want to get out of the car and were giving us hugs and high-fives and tryign to climb back into the van. In the van Andrew (Cederville) was driving, they taught the kids the lyrics and hand motions to "One Way" a really catchy, up-beat p/w song. I'm really really excited for the rest of summer and to see the kids more (a couple kids asked us if we'd be back tomorrow and were rather displeased when we said, no tuesday).

*happy blissful sigh*

The best party though, is that it is ENTIRELY God...Nicholas accepting God, the change in attitudes adn excitement/enthusiam of the kids for our ministry.

Earlier this morning/afternoon, I was sorta grumbling to Abba about some stuff [what exactly i cant remember right now] and the bottom line was that I prayed that he would either change me or the circumstances... looks like He's changed/ing both. God's just awesome like that.


  • :D
    I can just see you in one of those big vans. *rofl*
    I'll have to come up some day and see you interacting with the kids. The image I have looks very cool (in the yay-God sense), but it would better in 3-D.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:41 PM  

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