A dorky looking picture of me that my friend Sheneka took, but it shows me and my car.....
So far its been a pretty good car and I am so thankful to have my own set of wheels! I also totally love the fact it is a very unique color (in the sunlight its a dijon mustardy-tan metallic), so NO ONE (that i know) has the same color car as me!
Mic Check
testing, testing, one, two, three. . .
this road i'm on, this life i lead
it isn't the one i thought i'd have,
but it ain't so bad either
more and more i see
that most of what i want
i hardly have to leave for.
books, reading, writing, friends
endless cups of tea and coffee shops
the Bible, tough conversations about life, faith and God
fill my days.
A Washingtonian no longer, I've given ties to my childhood up
to embrace God's plan. [I'm a Masschusettisan now.]
My roots will never leave me.
Deep down, underneath the day-to-day,
beyond the doubts and the uncertainies,
I hope--long?-- to ride again,
once more
to be immersed in German cultural goodness.
My faith isn't as strong as it once was,
doubts, disillusions and cold, hard concrete
eroded much of it.
I long for the one who sees me;
who sees me as i am--
through the front of a neatly-packaged life,
through the dreams, the schemes and craziness,
to put his arms around me;
his stillness and strength
lets a trembling, anxious me know
that everything's gonna be okay.
check, check. . . mic check done.
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