Thus Far

Saturday, June 19, 2004

sheesh. been awhile since i last blogged. what a week though. entirely chaotic. something like from an agatha christi novel- first there were 8, then 7, then 6, then 4, then 4... (almost 3) people left working... the others have been 'weeded' out through injury or travel of some sort.

nadine remained in the hospital until friday noon. she ended up having a broken vertebra (first lumbar) [read as compression fracture]. i think her time in the hospital went something like this: monday- go to hospital wait nearly 7 hours before cause of pain was discovered. be forced to lie on side/back, and fed though IVs. tuesday- receive corset #1, which made her look 6months pregnate when she had it on and her pulli zipped up over it. BUT she could stand/sit. wed- more of the same. BORDOM. thurs- receive corset #2 (smaller and now she only looks 3 months ;)). friday- after being slopply juggled around with nurses, doctors and the xray lab, she was able to leave at noon. cannot sit or stand though for more than an hour. must wear corset for next 3 months and cannot ride for the next 6 months.

my week day looked like this: wake up, get to the barn at 7, work 5 or 6 horses before lunch (many times before the church clock struck noon) or groom, quick bite to eat then out to the hospital (15 minutes away) spend next hour or two with Nadine, then come back, work more horses, groom more, then home for dinner and to pick up whatever nadine needed/wanted from the house, then back out to the hospital for another hour or so (20 minutes drive from house). if im not extreamly exhaused or its past 11, take a quick shower and go to bed.

naturally, my horse list has shifted some. Havent ridden Cabaret in a while due to a knee bump. I ride Luna Lisa once or twice a week now. While a barn worker is out with injury, i ride her 2nd level gray every other day. since Nadine is gone now (and was in the hospital), i rode her two- Savilliano (really nice and fun youngster, for sale... very talented and reasonably priced) and Sterntanzer (4th level stallion, also a really enjoyable ride), and of course, theres my own two- Dornenfee and Lambada's Girl.

Note on Sterntanzer: after spending the last year riding training and first level dressage, i cant even begin to describe how nice it is to be able to get on a horse and ride changes and half passes. while riding him yesterday, i think he discovered his first impressions of me were wrong, and i actually do know how to push his buttons pretty effectivly. In the half-pass, tanzi perfers just to sweep sideways and not bend his body (sound familiar? ahem, Starr) when i started making him half-pass, then go forward in shoulder-in or hounches in or do a 10m circle, he was quite taken aback, to say the least. i think he tried pulling a snit or two...

Note on Savilliano: he's the one that threw nadine; before monday reputed to be the most 'bomb proof' in the barn. Nadine and i joked he was the gay one since his 'other job'(apart from training) is being stallion bait. (the horse presented to the stallions to arouse them). for the most part, hes a very smart and kind horse (not overly smart like Ferg, but learns quickly... i taught him lenghtenings yesterday). But, as we at the barn are discovering, can have a flare for bucking (he bucked with me yesterday, and he bucked me off today when i showed him to some potential buyers... it was a text book perfect fall though: tuck and roll- not at all like the last time i fell off/was bucked off, which as Miari readers probably remember was my accident with Fergus.)

None of the stallions here are especially bad (or King-like), though there is one- Wolkengold- who you have to be pretty on top of.. he rears nearly ever day when walking to the arean (we have to go though the mares barn, and as soon as he sees a mare, hes all 'big tough breeding stallion'.

well im outta here... gotta go grab lunch and maybe do a little shopping in Pforzheim


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