Thus Far

Monday, February 27, 2006


I bought my plane ticket today. One way to Frankfurt.

And I'm not even sure I have a job at this point. My contact emailed me and said that after looking at my video (from 2003), they would like to begin with a one month trial period "to get a better feel for me and my riding". That way, if my riding sucks, they're not out anything.

So, I'm taking the plunge. God is good, and He's provided for me this far~

Lord, please let your strength and grace cover my weakness.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

My roommate called me last night... TOTALLY made my day. :-) My other roommate is coming to visit sometime this week-- she flys in to Boston on Tuesday. What can I say, I'm totally blessed to have such awesome roomies and am very excited to talk to and see them again! Hooray!

In other news, I'm not feeling the warm fuzzies towards the postal service these days. I am waiting on three packages from Germany: one, which was sent by ship mid-December, the others sent by airmail at the beginning of Feb. To top it all off, my parents sent me a parcel of more breeches/horse stuff from home 3 weeks ago (it usually takes 6 days, standard mail). Arrugh. >:-[

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

wow...i think this has been the best Valentine's day i've had...ever (or at least since elementary school). i feel so *loved* by everyone and such a punk for not doing anything for people :/

the coolest part is that even if not a single person had wished me happy Valentine's day, it still would have been amazing, because God's love is more than enough. The Valentine's day i spent with my then-boyfriend, was great sure, but it wasn't like this. Being single has only accentuated an awareness of God's love (and-- my acceptance of that love): not in a "I'm lonely and have to be content with God" sorta way, but in the "all consuming love" sorta way.

To my friends who are in relationships new and old: may your Valentine's day be filled with love and joy, and may your boy shower you with affection. :)

To the Lord, my God: I rejoice and delight in you, I will praise your love more than wine. (SoS 1:4)


I meant to post this a few days ago, and given today's holiday, here's a throwback to the days of old:

"Is specialness a word?"

"I guess I've been forced to put you on my 'missed opportunities' list"

"Would you ever take me to Sadies again?. . . I'm gay though"

"You are one dead sexy thing"

"Hooked on an 8-second ride"

"Since we're stopped. . ."

"May the swimmer boys always be straight"

"Riding off into the sunset..."

Here's to da click (CS, FS, LB, Imp) and the Baywood Babes (4.oh, Princess, Brat and Michevious), Abby and the Stud (aka Kim, Mel, Erin, Leen, Brandon, Seth, Steven, Abby and myself)-- our lives might have taken seperate roads, but i still love y'all.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Swiss cookies don't mold.

I got some in the mail today from my mother--the package that she had sent to me at the beginning of Jterm. These cookies did not originate with her, but rather with my aunt who lives in CO, which she had made at the beginning of December.

They do however become disturbingly soft.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

i don't know how to do this...
i don't know how i'm gonna make it through the next 4 months, and really anytime after that, with out coming across as stuck up and conceited.

one of the greatest things about Miari is that for most of the time i spent there, i was the low man on the totem pole: while everyone else was riding the higher levels of dressage, i was at the bottom, struggling to climb the ladder. a lot of people had names for themselves, reputations either through awards or acheivement or for being a calander girl or whatever and i was a bit of a nobody. plus they had warmbloods, or if not a warmblood, then a fancy substitue. i had this thing off the track; athletic, yes, but not without a few screws loose in between the ears. but it kept me humble, kept me sane, and gave me some really awesome role models. and i always had anne around with a ready fist incase i did start to become conceited.

fast forward a few years~

out here, i guess one might say im towards the top of the totem pole: if not by show experience, then by knowledge and connections. and i forget to watch my tounge sometimes: like reminicing about my experiences in Germany, or the problems i encountered in the higher levels, like getting the horse to sit and not spin in the canter pirotte (sp) and the feeling of riding a line of twos... cuz while it was peer support and problem solving back home, its high above most riders here.

God's given me such an amazing support system: back in WA--Anne, Kari, Beth and Kim-- and out here-- Kiara, Nadine, Marija (plus the IVCF girls). But considering the caliber of barn that I am about to go off to, I'm afraid of getting conceited; i'm afraid of alinating those who i love and care about the most-- in the sport as well as out of the sport. Yet, this is where i've been, where i'm going. Oh Lord, let me attribute it all to you, and none of it to me.

And for those of you who are around me, if i EVER start getting too big for my britches (even in non-horse things), smack me hard up side the head. PLEEEEEASE.

On a slightly different topic, i'm realizing that i'm gonna need to by a few more pairs of breeches; however in looking through the catalog tonight, i see that my favorites have increased so dirasticaly in price over teh past 2.5 years, that they're nearly $100. talk about sticker shock. and i need to buy at least 2 pair. *gulp*

Thursday, February 02, 2006

God is wicked awesome. Though Lynds and 409 are close in second. It's one of those moments that make me really really sheepish about grumbling a bit earlier about not being able to discern the Spirit. Yeah, right. Until tonight happend. And God was right on.

It's such a funny thing, that something which should have brought me so much pain, brought only a twinge of what might have been (and a speechless 30 minutes). Yet, I'm willing to be happy for him. And I'm totally cerious and excited for what God has for me, just down the road. Perhaps our paths will cross again, perhaps they won't.

7 years of affection...gone... like ashes swept out by the wind

Riches lie not with a man or a family, but in following God~